Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another month older . . .

Oh has this little sweetie pie been busy this month.

She can now sit by herself

She has gotten two teeth
I did not have any pictures showing her little pearls.

So I thought I would share a few pictures of Little Rose with a few other pearls in our home . . .

Pearl number 1
Big sister Britt

And pearl number 2
Big sister Bree

She also has learned to hold her upper body up and as of the last few days is even begining to push up on her lower body.

Grandma, whom little Rose lights up the moment she arrives, bought her a walker and this too has added to her accomplishments this month.  She can move it backward and if she has shoes on will move it forward a little too.  What fun. 

She has captured an audience!  Her very own cheering section. 
The feet in the back are Daddy's.  Standing is Bell and seated is Mom, Essie, Ti, and Grandma.

This tops all of that though . . .

Rolling both ways and all over the floor. 
 She is just so fun to watch as she happily plays. 

It has been such a cold winter here that this month was also the first time she got to go outside just for the sheer pleasure of enjoying the great outdoors. 
You've just got to love that face. 

Nonetheless no matter how hard she tries she still has a hard time staying up until Mom and her older sisters go to bed.  But I assure you, she wants to. 

She gave it her best try one night when Britt, Bree and I were working on some sewing projects for Bell's birthday.   

What an exciting month in her life. 
I wish you all could see all the day to day mile markers in her precious little life.  Truly, she, as each of us  are, is fearfully and wonderfully made by an awesome Creator.  How thankful each one in our family is for our sweet little Rose Bud.   
May we each count our many blessings naming them one by one and see all that the Lord has done!

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blog is one of the happiest parts of my day! Thank you so much for sharing. We are so blessed to be able to name you as our friends.

