Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fun Way of Learning Shapes for Preschoolers

Preschoolers so enjoy learning!  And learning is far more than just sitting down at the table with a workbook!  This year, I have been working with Esther on learning her colors, shapes, how to write numbers and her name, etc.  And yes, we have been utilizing a workbook/activity book, which she has really enjoyed.  But I wanted to do more with her than just that.  I wanted to interact with her and do fun things that would make what I am trying to teach her, stick in her head.   Mom has often reminded us that what we invest into them is so important.  It's not just about them learning, it's about being together and investing into their precious little lives that we have such a short time to impact into.  We've had such fun doing some of these different things and they have kept her anticipating what we're going to do next and helps keep her focused and excited!
One of the things we've done is making cookies.  What kiddo doesn't enjoy making cookies together with you in the kitchen, not to mention eating the dough in the process? :-)  Well, we made some cut out cookies and used different cutters to make shapes.  Thus we were having fun being together and learning- yes, doing school.  :-)

Oh, did she ever enjoy it!

Yep, those are my fancy shmancy cookie cutters!
Between a few cutters we already had, the bottom of some toys and a container, it worked perfectly!

I let her cut out most of them and as we were cutting them out I would ask her,
"What shape is this one?"
It was a great way to practice and drill and drill those shapes in a practical, visual way.

Then we put pretty sprinkles on the top, just for the fun of it!

And last but not least, we went over again what each of the shapes we had made cookies out of were.
In the below video, she says what each of the cookie shapes are in her own special way, that only she could!

There are so many creative ideas and I don't consider myself a very creative person, but any little thing is worth doing with them!  They are always worth it!  It is so easy to say, "I'm just too busy and it would sure be a lot easier to just do the workbook and be done with it!"  But life is learning, and if we don't invest into them and have them learning from us, than who are they going to learn from?  What are they going to remember most about life?  All the workbooks they did or time spent together with mommy or daddy or big sister or big brother?  Life is too short to waste it on things that aren't important!  Why not spend time investing into those little souls that we get a short period of time to influence and that are going to count for eternity?  I need this reminder often, actually, daily!  I hope you are encouraged to go spend some time investing into those that are important!  Cherish those kiddos!

If you have any ideas of things to do with preschoolers, we'd love to hear about them!  Please share!  All of our creativity's need to be inspired!

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