Monday, March 4, 2013

Taking a leap of faith in praying specifically for...


But not only for the sale of our home, but God has laid on our hearts to specifically ask Him to bring a buyer for our house this week.  We realize that now is not when the market is moving at it's best and also realize that we haven't had any interest shown in our house for weeks...but we feel that the Lord has shown us where He wants us to move to and that He wants us to specifically ask Him for a buyer for this house this week.  So....knowing that all things are possible with God, we are asking in faith for Him to bring a buyer this week. 

God has been growing our family and testing our faith for the last several weeks specifically.  He has already shown Himself so faithful to us as we have asked Him for specific things and He has answered.  What a faithful and merciful God we serve!  This particular request is a big one, one that will change our lives, and quite frankly, one that seems a little on the impossible side.  I was finding myself looking at the waves last night and this morning, but as I was in the Word and reading and listening to the things that I posted on our blog earlier today, God so showed me that I was not trusting Him and that I was being fearful.  He so lifted my fear and encouraged my heart as I just cried out to Him and laid our requests before Him, confessing and asking forgiveness for my lack of faith and unbelief and asking Him to show Himself faithful and to glorify His name.  That is one of the things that we have been asking God for, that He would use our family as a billboard on which He proclaims His glory and shows how mighty He is!

And that, my friend, is the reason for this post.  Once I had finished my devotion time and was so strengthened and encouraged, I got in the shower and all of the sudden it was like the Lord just laid on my heart that He wanted me to post this on our blog.  My immediate thought...oh me of little faith...was fear.  I'm like, you know, it's one thing to ask God for the impossible and believe that He can do it, but it's a whole different thing to go and tell everybody else about it!  What if God doesn't bring a buyer?  Then how would that bring glory to God?  Of course, the Lord showed me how wrong my thinking was and reminded me of the things that He had just reminded me of.  So I prayed about it and talked to Mom about it and she said, basically, "Go for it."

So, my prayer in sharing this personal request in our home, is that God would show Himself mighty and that each one in our home and each one of you would be encouraged to believe God more and take Him fully at His Word, not being afraid to ask the impossible.  He said, as He showed me this morning, that "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."  Do we believe this?  Are we willing to be as the persistent widow in Luke 18 and earnestly and persistently present our requests before God, believing that He is faithful and He will answer according to His will?

If God lays it on your heart, pray with us...and may we all be encouraged to seek the face of God earnestly at all times and believe Him and what He has promised to be true for the specific needs in each one of our lives. Keep an eye on our blog...because we're expecting God to work in amazing ways and we're excited to watch Him show just how awesome and powerful He is! 

~Posted By Breanna